Friday, July 27, 2007

A long week

Yes,Its a reallyyyyyyyyyyyy long week.
Because of the exams!!!!Argh....
I hate myself!I doesn't put my 100% effort in this week's exam,only 30%.
I doesn't study much this time. Last minute study!T.T
I'm so frustrated.失敗した!!!!

Its been a long time since i last blog.Doesn't have the mood actually.
The next movie i'm pending to watch is ratatouile and Simpsons!!!
I've watched the simpsons trailer,it is so stupid yet funny.haha...
I think it will makes me feel better after the exams.
And i have to say, simpsons website is so cute.??

Wee~~~~I'm so happy!!!I've watched a movie @ cinema twice at last!
I've watched Harry Potter twice!Wee~~~~sadly @ the same cinema.=.="
I watched it with my frens once and then with my parents.
Because i promised both my frens and my parents to watch together.
Thats my fault!>.<"
I've always heard other ppl saying that they watched a movie @ cinema twice.
At least i done it before now!:)

so curious about the New Hp book!
Those ppl who've read it post so many spoilers on the web.
I tried not to look at it because it will makes me more curious.
Urgh...I can't stand it.
I'm definitely going to buy it soon!

Well now i'll just pray to GOD to bless me on my exams.

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